
Friday, March 16, 2012

Pinterest! It took me a while.

Although I've been looking at other people's Pinterest boards for ages I finally got around to making my own (at the prodding of a friend - thanks to the brilliant painter Kim West!)
I've always been a bit of a late adopter of these things, always feel a bit too busy to figure it out or a bit jaded to be honest. But this one's just my cup of tea. And it's really easy. Most of my boards are interiors based obviously, because I live and breathe interiors. But it's a brilliant place to categorize and create visual mood boards for anything you're interested in. Food, fashion, vintage cars, monkeys riding bicycles, cats sleeping on dogs, whatever.
It's a bit of an obsession I admit. I'm pin crazy right now.You can look at and follow my boards here. Go on, follow me. I promise I'll post pictures of monkeys riding bicycles. It'll be fun.

1 comment:

Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x