
Monday, June 25, 2012

Sleeping Lofts

In our house in LA, we converted our garage into a little office/sewing room/prop storage/music room - basically whatever we could squeeze into 150 sf that wouldn't fit into our 700 sf house. Someone - not me - had the brilliant idea to build a little loft at the back and for a moment we had dreams of the kids reading up there or friends coming to stay and sleeping there. Originally there was a wooden ladder on the right side.

Reality soon hit us and we realized there would be no sleepovers up there rises. And there would be no sweet little kids playing up there because they were scared of falling and breaking an arm. We eventually got rid of the ladder, hung a curtain and shoved all our junk up there. Behind that clean white curtain was a scary no man's land of 'stuff' - bins of baby clothes, christmas decorations, every baseball uniform my husband ever wore as a child, and mountains of charity shop and flea market junk I euphemistically refer to as 'props'.

Our garage turned office. Via me

That curtain hides a lifetime of stuff. Via me

If we ever go back and live in that house again I like to think that we would install some AC, stick the ladder back up (and maybe a little rail) and put it to good use like these clever folks.

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