
Monday, July 30, 2012

Tweet Tweet

Last week was a bad blogging week. Too, too busy with real life.
To start this week off right (or wrong, depending how this goes), I've decided to join the ranks of the Tweeters. I am a notorious late adopter of new technology. I resist it. I'm stubborn. I think it's all a load of rubbish. And then I get on board.

Being honest, I still think Twitter is a bit narcissistic. Who am I to think people want to hear me spout clever little one-liners 3 times a day? I mean, really? But I'm doing it anyway. Mainly because a friend told me that THE Kelly Wearstler tweeted a thank you to me for my post about her. How bizarre and amazing! Enough to make me sign up, that's for sure. Just so that I could tweet back at her!

As of now, I have ONE follower, so I'm basically tweeting to myself. Feel free to follow me @lifeunstyled. I can't promise it will be exciting or funny, but you never know...

Some tweet-tweet related design:

Nina Campbell wallpaper

Nest bed by OGE Architects

Birdhouse mural from my portfolio

Birdhouses from my portfolio

Two photos above: Birdcage wallpaper from my portfolio - the home of a newly divorced woman wanting a really feminine dining room. Um, I think she got it. 

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Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x