
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Goats In Trees

Since I last wrote I've been a very busy girl. I've managed to rent out my house in LA again (see the last post), I've helped Anthropologie open another UK store in the lovely city of Bath, and I've been to Morocco to shoot three more houses for my next book. I thought since I can't yet show you any of the houses we photographed, I'd post some of my favourite snapshots from the trip. I've never been anywhere like Morocco before and it was pretty mind-blowing. 
An incredible view in the beautiful but very windy port town of Essaouira.

  My book's photographer, Katya de Grunwald, looking stunning in the crazy warren-like streets of Marrakech, as we tried not to get lost.

 The kitchen of the little house we stayed in.

Rugs! Piles and piles and piles of them.

 After dinner all the ladies gathered along this wall in the town square of Essaouira, while children played and the wind blew in from the sea.

My pretty friend. I befriend cats wherever I go. 
 Katya shielding her lens from the glare of the sun on a rooftop. 

And the best thing ever. Goats in trees! 
At the beginning of the drive to the airport I saw camels on the beach - it was stunning - and I didn't ask the cab driver to pull over so I could take a photo. I regretted it the whole way, so when Katya spotted goats in trees, we asked the cabbie to pull a quick u-turn and we jumped out. An old man, who probably waits there all day for gullible tourists like me, thrust a kid in my arms and asked for money. She was lovely and cuddly and immediately started to eat my shirt. But the goats in trees was something else! The deal is they just can't get enough of the Argan berries that grow in Morocco (you know that Argan oil that's now a big craze in beauty products?) and you know a goat isn't afraid of heights, so up they go to get the berries! It was one of those moments when I was aware of being really lucky to see something so weird and wonderful. 


  1. What a memorable stop...I think we could all use a hug from a little goat! Happy cuddling.

    1. It was a major highlight of an already amazing trip, that's for sure.


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