
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Q&A with Abigail Ahern

If you're visiting from Abigail Ahern's blog, then hi. hello. how's it going?
If you're not, then you should head over there for a little Q&A on me that she featured last week.
She's one of my favourite designers - the undisputed queen of dark and moody interiors - and I frequently pop into her shop in Islington. Apparently she likes my book which is a huge compliment, since she's written a couple herself. It's a weird thing when you discover that someone you admire admires you too. Who knew I could be someone's "current obsession"?

I'm off to New York tomorrow for a long awaited family holiday. Follow along on Instagram or Twitter if you want to see me stuffing my face with huge New York pizza slices and doing lots of shopping.

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