
Friday, May 11, 2012

House Hunting Should Be Fun...

...But when you're looking to rent a house in London when the Olympics are about to happen, it sucks! Since we moved to London a year ago, we've been living in a rented flat that's too small, has no garden for Gracie the Frenchie, and is unstylish in that beige carpet, wacky kitchen tile kind of way that only a rental can be. Now it's time to move and there seems to be nothing out there that's in our price range, in the right area, meets my very finnicky standards in terms of style, and somebody didn't already snag. (Yeah I mean YOU, perfect house I put an offer on but someone put in a better one. I wanted you! You were amazing!) Aaaagghhh! This should be fun, but it's not. It's stressful and horrible and annoying.

Anyway, when we find a (gorgeous, stylish, perfectly located, affordable) house here's what I'm planning...

Living Room:
Amazing carpet hung on the wall. By Minakani Walls.


Master bedroom:

Pic on the left. Clean and calm but with a bit of pattern. Love this black floral chair. 

Yellow floor and hide-covered chair. Simple and clean but a bit eccentric.

My almost-teen daughter's room:

 Collage wall. I had one at Uni many moons ago. I'm too old for it now but I can live vicariously through my pre-teen.

My little boy's room:

Climbing wall up to a loft bed. Definitely doing something like this.

For my other new house ideas, have a peek at my Pinterest board.


  1. Yolanda chiaramelloMay 21, 2012 at 12:27 PM

    Em love that boys room idea! So cool!! You'll find that perfec house it's just tucked away!

  2. Thanks Yolly! We found one, did I tell you?? Stoke Newington. Just a teensy bit farther north. Don't be cross....

    Can't wait to do that shoot with you!


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