
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Teeny Tiny Patio

We get the keys to our new house tomorrow. Finally! After a year of living in a beige carpeted, no garden, not very cool flat, we are moving to a sweet little house with a garden (albeit a small, tiled one).
Get ready for the onslaught of before and afters. After not doing anything to our current flat all year, I am READY for some decorating action. 

In the meantime, here's some inspiration I found for small patio styling. 
Yes, it would be nice to have a big patch of grass for the kids and dog to run around on, but there's always the park. And look how sweet a patio can look.


  1. Thank you for sharing your Patio with us it's absolutely stunning Emily! I really want to redo my patio, so I have been online looking for ideas. That's how i came across your blog and I'm happy I did because these pictures are great. I'm going to make sure to share this with my wife because I know she'll love it. Thank you again for sharing with us!

  2. Mike - thanks for your comment, but full disclosure here: Those are not images of MY patio! I've just moved house and I was sharing those photos as inspiration for what I plan to do with my own. Check back soon to see what I do.



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