
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Paint It White

I wasn't joking when I said I would be spending all weekend in my painting gear. I painted 9 pieces of furniture (8 of which were street finds), I hung and re-hung countless pieces of art (not easy when you change arrangements as much as me, but aren't allowed to put nail holes in the rental's walls) and I did some fabric collage on one standing lamp and one mirror. I hung some curtains, rearranged some furniture, organised some cupboards. Still loads to do, but finally made some headway.



Ignore the overflowing recycling bin in the background - child number two has been neglecting his chores.

Amazing, exciting, thrilling news (for me) to follow in a couple of weeks. Something I've always wanted as a stylist is actually going to happen....

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing your exciting news - though all that work you accomplished is exciting too - I'm super curious about the fabric collage items - best wishes!


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