
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It's been exactly two months since I started this blog. And I've only posted three times, during that first week. Clearly, I'm a bad, bad blogger. I should be sent to blogger jail or wherever neglectful bloggers go. And to think that I imagined posting three times a week. Ha! More likely it will be whenever I can find a spare half an hour. I'm impressed by these design bloggers who post daily and have all sorts of interesting images to share and witty comments. Maybe I need to drink less wine and stay up later.

September was really busy for me. I spent a week in Toronto - my first time there and I loved it - as Production Designer for these really cool stop motion commercials for W Network (A Canadian lifestyle channel). As soon as I'm allowed to, I'll put them in my portfolio/reel. Then I spent a week in beautiful Carpenteria, CA styling Target's new Smith and Hawken garden furniture range. I'm really enjoying traveling more for work. Who doesn't like staying in hotels and ordering room service and having someone make your bed?? Especially when you're usually the one cooking and cleaning. More please.

Today I wanted to share this magazine I discovered a while ago called Apartamento. It's based in Milan and only comes out twice a year I think. So since 2008 there have only been 5 or 6 issues. It's tag-line is "An everyday life interiors magazine" so you can guess why I like it. Creative people living in interesting but often messy flats and houses. It's right up my alley. I'm sure it's really expensive and hard to find - although I hear Urban Outfitters and surprisingly Barnes and Noble sometimes carry it.

Maybe the pile of magazines is taking it to the extreme - borderline hoarder? But I still like it.

I love this room. Doesn't it look like someone actually does meaningful work there?

The red stove is lovely of course. Something about images like this makes me feel better about my self. Silly I know, but seeing someone else's space looking disheveled makes me not be such a stickler about clutter at home. I'm not saying I could handle books piled on my stove, but you know what I mean.

Unmade bed, drawers left open, nice. This still reads "styled" to me, but maybe it's not. Maybe the drawer stuffed with clothes really was open when they got ready to take the shot. Or maybe they opened it and pulled out some clothes. Who knows? Who cares? It's pretty either way.

I promise it won't be so long until next time.

1 comment:

Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x