
Monday, August 6, 2012

Fabric Love

I was thinking recently about how so much of my design focuses on textiles. It's something I have a real fondness of and I often design a whole scheme around a piece of old fabric. I got myself an adapter for my US sewing machine so now I can get cracking on various new home projects.

I had a look back through my portfolio and had to laugh about how many things I've hand-made out of fabric for almost every project I've ever worked on. 

red seat cushion cover

big cushions made out of scarves. fuzzy pic, sorry.

pillow again

all bedding and curtains


all bedding

hanky wall hanging

seat cushion cover

cabinet door

pillow and bunting


fabric + cardboard birdhouses
and fabric covered cork board

chair/table seat cover

fabric covered books

It's even in my old Anthropologie display work above. Here's a huge canvas with a hand-sewn lady riding a bike. Made possible by a projector, embroidery floss, a giant needle, and lots of patience.

If you don't already sew, I highly recommend it. I've had my machine for more than 13 years and it's still going. All you really need to do is master the straight stitch to be able to make pillows, curtains, tablecloths etc....

I told you here how I customise everything - I wasn't joking.

All images via my portfolio

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