
Monday, August 13, 2012

I Saw A Saw Horse

Try saying that 3 times fast.
I did see some saw horses last time I was at Ikea, and for £10 each I thought they might solve all our desk problems, at least temporarily. Everyone in the family needs a desk now and it can get pricey if you're looking for something new OR it can take ages if you're waiting to find a cool old piece at a junk shop.

Quick fix:

Step 1. Set up 2 sawhorses.
Step 2. Put old door/piece of painted plywood/ surfboard (just kidding, that may not work) on top.
Step 3. Sit down and do some work.

Couldn't be easier.


  1. I love this idea with a door as the table and a piece of glass over the top for stability. Love your Blog I am your newest follower

  2. Thanks for your comment. Yes it's a handy solution isn't it? I'm notorious for picking up doors and pieces of wood (and chairs and tables and.....) from the street, so it's nice to be able to put them to good use.

    Thanks for following!


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