
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bookcase Mess

Over the past few years there's been a trend towards colour-blocking one's bookshelves. I have to admit I've never really been a fan. First of all, it's bit too contrived. Second of all, it's not practical. Am I the only one who likes to group my books by topic? All my design books are together, all my fiction, and so on. The idea of things being grouped by colour just doesn't work for me mentally! (The same goes for my wardrobe - I'd never group by colour, but by style, sleeve length etc).

Personally I am a fan of a bit of a messy bookshelf. One that looks rifled through, used, read.

These are lovely. I can see the appeal, but it's not my style:

Both via Laini Taylor

But these! These are more like it. Cram them in there, I say!

(Nigella Lawson at home. Bloody hell!)

And when you run out of room...


  1. I have a number of angry, half-writted posts on this very topic! As someone who has never had enough space for books, it drives me crazy when I read posts about where to get cheap books to "prop" your shelves, etc.

    Book shelves are for books! the more, the better!

  2. Thanks Heather! I agree. Prop books are just silly. Don't people actually read anymore? I'm working on a house right now where a fortune is being spent to populate the vast library. These are books that will probably never be read by the homeowner. Madness! At least we're not arranging them by colour ;)


Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x