
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Living Room Evolution

I've had a little blogging break, but I'm back - not quite with a vengeance, but I'm back all the same.

I spent the weekend near sunny Brighton styling a Christmas shoot for Matalan department stores. A pretty farm house, even prettier models, real christmas trees, and fake snow. Damn, that stuff is messy!

Anyway, a few personal photos to share today. Our living room is evolving nicely, changing every week as I move things around and acquire new pieces. It's very different from our house in LA which was really bright and colourful. It's a work in progress and I definitely want it to be a bit more modern, a bit less granny. But these things take time.

I found this red velvet chair near Soho Square and took it home with me on the bus. I'm a bit of an idiot sometimes! I painted the legs white and hot-glued one of my favourite vintage fabric scraps on the back and I think it's quite nice.

And yes, I use Hipstamatic because I'm a crap photographer and it helps to disguise that (only a bit).



  1. It's funny how different houses make you decorate them differently isn't it? I have the same thing in my newish house, this fighting the granny business. But yours is looking cosy and warm and inviting, which is a good thing as we're going into winter. Keep up the good work I say!

  2. Love the chair (Hot-Glued fabric remnant? - Can't wait to try it myself!) I love your photos!

  3. Thanks ladies!
    @freckleface - yes, this house is turning out a lot less wild than the last one. I'm a bit disappointed! And you're right, it's definitely time to get cosy for the winter, isn't it? Hard to believe my friends back in LA are still sitting by their pools!

    @Angeline - a hot glue gun = a stylist's best friend. I'm a big fan.

  4. I adore the red chair! Houses and spaces let you know how they want to be styled, at least that's my theory.

  5. Hope to see all of your place when you're done. What you've done so far looks amazing! Vicki

  6. Thanks Vicki! It's on my list to take some nice photos, but it's not quite ready yet. (Will it ever be? It's an ongoing, constantly changing thing for me anyway).


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