
Monday, October 29, 2012

Ghosts Of Halloweens Past

I'm not really into Halloween decorating. Aside from carving pumpkins (we do get pretty creative with them) I don't do much else. But Halloween costumes are a big deal for us. Because I sew and because I'm a brat who doesn't like to have the same thing as anyone else, I always make the kids' costumes. Or my husband Erick makes something brilliant out of cardboard and spray paint. So instead of talking interiors today I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into our Halloweens past.

In approximate chronological order:

Johnny with best friend Coco - Cowboy and Kitten - back in about 2006.

Later I made one of my sewn art pieces from this photo.

Orphan Annie and Peg-leg. (We had recently bought our first house and just moved in, hence the piles of books on the floor).

The following year my husband whipped up this Transformers costume at the very last minute, so the yellow spray paint wasn't even dry yet. The poor kid was breathing fumes all night. Luckily the costume had a built-in face mask...

Erick and our French Bulldog Gracie as "Eliott and ET". Favourite costume ever.

  Day of the dead costume. My multi-talented husband at work.

I love how my mum and I are just having a normal chat in the background, nevermind the purple wig and cat's eyes and the sword fight going down in front of us.

Mime and creepy rollerskating clown. (My friend Heather in the background). I sewed the clown costume because, you know, I like to make things difficult for myself. Notice the newly painted white floorboards

And last year 2011, our first in London. A waiter serving his own brain (don't ask, I don't come up with these things) and a zombie nun (I think).

Update for 2012:

This year Ella did her own and her little bro's make-up.

Johnny was a 'horror movie'. Don't ask where he gets these ideas because I've got no clue. There's a lot going on in that brain. He made the television out of a box and a rubbish bag and apparently stuck on the flaky 'skin' bits with honey. Brilliant!

And Ella, on the right, was some sort of dead ragdoll.

Update for 2013:

This year Johnny made his own costume again. I didn't have to do anything except find him a box. He went with the American idea of Halloween and made a non-scary costume.

And yes he is wearing shorts in London in October. You can take the boy out of California, but...

Sadly for the kids, Halloween's not the same in London as it was in our LA neighbourhood of Highland Park/Eagle Rock, which was filled with set builders and production designers who went nuts every year. Remember that scene in ET when all the trick or treaters are out? It was just like that with literally thousands of people swarming the streets in costume. This is our old neighbourhood...

These guys below made a crime scene in their front garden, as if an alien had fallen to earth. The one in the dark suit and shades was pretending to be the FBI all night.

Admittedly this may be a bit scary for really little ones, but it was loads of fun for us.
I encourage you and your kids to give it a go when it comes to making your own costumes. It's way more fun than buying them and you can let your imagination go wild.

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