
Monday, October 8, 2012

Make: Fabric Collage Lamp

A couple of months ago I had this weird thing called "free time". There were no sports games, visits to relatives, or shopping trips for school uniforms. No entrance exams to study for or shoots to prep for. 

After I got over the shock and momentary paralysis, I lined up a few projects to chill out with. This was one (not my favourite), this was another (although I only supervised that one, in a bossy, finger-pointing "move it 2mm to the right" kind of way).

But this one I thoroughly enjoyed. The lamp cost a fiver at a street market, the granny shade was from a charity shop (my sister said something like "why do you like that?"), and the fabric scraps were some of my favourites in the blue-green family. I spent a couple of hours in the garden with some home-made Mod Podge, a paint-brush and lots of coffee and made myself a little granny patchwork lamp.

Ideally, a lamp like this should stand next to something a bit more modern than this chair otherwise it's all a bit too much. A more modern shade would work too - a white linen drum would be a nice clean contrast to the craziness.

Did you know Squint London makes lamps like these and sells them for upwards of £1200! I didn't know about Squint until I recently saw one of their tables at Abigail Ahern's shop and thought dammit, I coulda made money on this!

1 comment:

  1. Love a good zone out project - I like the granny shade, too!


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