
Monday, February 24, 2014

I Don't Do Manicures

I love the whole manicure/pedicure thing, but the truth is I usually scuff up my nails before I've even paid and left the salon. You know that moment when you reach for your credit card and scrape your pinkie on your purse zipper? Yeah that's me, every time.

But all of this week I'm working on that coffee shoot again and the client asked both me and the food stylist to get our nails done so we can double as hand models. I'm not complaining. No way. There are much worse things to be doing on a Sunday afternoon than having my hands pampered at someone else's expense. But as I type this, I am wearing rubber gloves. That's all I'm saying. 

Clumsiness is an illness and I've got it bad. (I also really need to do something about these dark circles under my eyes...)

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