
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reunited + It Feels So Good (Did I Really Just Say That?)

It's been an interesting start to the year. LOTS has happened. I'm not going to lie, January was really hard. It's often a difficult month for freelancers, with work being kind of slow. February got a little better with a few interesting projects on the horizon. Now I've made it to March and I think it's going to be flippin' amazing!

Last week I styled my last photo shoot for the next six months...

...because I was offered a six month job by Anthropologie Europe, overseeing the visuals/display/merchandising in all their UK stores. So exciting! I'll be working with the 3 x London, 1x Guildford, and 1 x Edinburgh stores, as well as helping to open new ones (Bath, coming in May!) I actually didn't go after the job and it wasn't a direction I pictured myself taking. The head of Anthro Europe heard about me after Yolly and I did our workshop/book launch at their King's Road store, and she got in touch regarding the position.

I worked for Anthropologie years ago as a display artist in their Pasadena, California store. Click here to see some of my display work. I often forgot to take photos of the displays, so sadly I don't have too many. It was also before I became a stylist so the photos are pretty awful! One of my favourites is the one above, simply because it embodies the essence of 'creativity before consumption' so well. We had no display budget left, and we had this beautiful, expensive found furniture piece on the floor that no-one seemed to want to spend $9,000 on (!!) I had an hour to kill with most of the big display projects already completed, so I scrounged around the art room and with some drinking straws, wire, and hot glue, I made this tiny bicycle to put inside the cabinet, to jazz it up a bit. It was a miniature version of a large display we had in the window at the time and I really loved it.

I'm really looking forward to putting my Anthro hat back on and getting stuck in!

(P.S. Did I mention I'm doing another book.....?)

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