
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Be careful what you wish for...

My year in photos...
(See below for the who/what/where/when?)
Rooftop bar on top of the BHV department store in Paris

Me walking on water on a scouting trip to Nice, South of France

Anthropologie head office in Philadelphia, USA

Parisian graffiti (everything's cooler in French right?)

Me and my kids in Brooklyn for Halloween - Johnny as a baby, me as a nerd, and Ella as Wednesday

Christmas in Nice, France

I always look forward to the first few days of January as soon as the hussle of Christmas is over. If I'm not working, I have that mixed feeling of "make the most of it" and "oh god I should be working!" (Click here to be reminded of my never-ending fears of freelance life). I try my best to enjoy it and much like the rest of the planet, in early January I take some time to think about goals and dreams for the new year.

Every year I write them down and keep them in a box and each year I read what I wrote the year before. Sometimes when I come to writing it all down I get a bit overwhelmed. I'm always talking about dreaming big, not being afraid to aim high and all that, but when it comes to my own dreams, sometimes I get scared. "How dare I aspire to such big ideas?" "Who do I think I am?" "That's never going to happen". And all kinds of other negative, unhelpful thoughts, otherwise known as self-doubt.

This year I already know what I'm doing work-wise - at least for the first few months - and for that I'm grateful. I'll be continuing to work with Anthropologie Europe, consulting on the visual side of some new European store openings. I've also got a couple of shoots planned for IKEA and I have a new book coming out in February called Bohemian Modern (more on that soon). All really exciting, if a little nerve-wracking. But I still like to dream up other things - what else would I like to happen? Where do I want to travel to? What experiences do I want to have with my family?

This time last year one of the things I wrote down was that I wanted to travel a lot for work. I ended up travelling more in 2014 than any other year in my life, with at least 15 trips for my book, for Anthropologie, and with family, including Philadelphia, New York, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Marrakech, Ghent, Prague....I also wrote that I wanted go to Paris. Somehow I had gone my whole life without visiting the so-called 'City of Lights' and I felt it was time to rectify that. I ended up getting the contract with Anthropologie in March 2014 and went to Paris at least 4 or 5 times for them and also once for my anniversary. Madness, right? The phrase "Be careful what you wish for" has never felt so real...

Let's not get too excited though. I also wished for buckets of money and a flatter stomach. I guess I'll just pop those on my 2015 wish list...

I wish you all the best for 2015 and I hope you manage to make a few of your dreams come true. Thanks for your continued support over the years and for making me come back and write time and again.

Above are a few snaps from some of my travels in 2014: A rooftop bar in Paris, me walking on water in Nice, lush plants at the Anthropologie head office in Philadelphia, Parisian graffiti (everything's cooler in French), halloween in Brooklyn (baby, nerd, Wednesday), and Christmas in Nice.

(And here's what I was talking about at this time in 2013 and 2014).


  1. Happy New Year Emily - Love seeing your work and reading your blog throughout the year - very inspiring - and cannot WAIT for your new book - wishing you lots of happiness for 2015 x

    1. Thank you Shella! You've been a loyal reader for a long time now and it means a lot to me. I wish you your best year yet!

  2. Cheers to making dreams come alive! Happy Nesting.


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