
Monday, February 2, 2015

Bohemian Modern has arrived!

2014 is over and despite feeling like I was going to lose my mind, I've come out the other side relatively unscathed. If you count being partly bald and having a serious teeth grinding problem unscathed (ignore the toupee and mouth guard if you run into me, ok?)

But seriously, 2014 was a pretty nutty and stressful year for me. In March I said yes to both a new book deal and a new job. I thought I could somehow do a quite challenging full-time job for Anthropologie at the exact same time as travelling Europe to make this book and oh yeah, be a mum to a teen and pre-teen. Add to the mix the death of my dad in March, and you've got a pretty intense month, followed by an equally intense year.

But here we are in February 2015, almost a year later and I didn't get fired from Anthropologie (in fact, they extended my contract to work on another project for a few more months), my publisher just sent me a fat stack of books that I'm really proud of, my kids are still talking to me, and my husband hasn't left me, despite me being a pretty unpleasant person to be around for the past year. So I think it was worth it. 

Bohemian Modern has so much of what I love in interiors: colour, pattern, textiles, plants, originality, creativity. It's not all kilim rugs and dream catchers as you might expect from a book about bohemian interiors. I featured a number of different styles including a traditional barn on the windswept coast of Morocco, a Victorian loft in Tottenham, London, a huge converted mechanics garage near Amsterdam, and a grand town house in Ghent, Belgium. All very different from each other, all unique, and all occupied by creative rule breakers, doing interiors their own way.

I really hope you enjoy it. I'd love to hear your feedback. If you do choose to buy it, I encourage you to support your local bookshop.

A sneak peek of a few of my favourite spreads. If I had the energy I'd style these shots up all nicely just for you, but I'm afraid I haven't got it in me today.

And my house below, including the sofa where I currently sit. The real world styling of the sofa upon which I am now sprawled features the little photographed hot water bottle/ pajamas/piles of papers/used coffee cups scene. Oh sorry, did you picture me sitting here typing in leather jeans and red lipstick? Talk about bursting your bubble, right?

I'll be putting a link up soon so that you can order signed copies of both Modern Rustic and Bohemian Modern, but in the meantime feel free to email me if you'd like to order either one. Otherwise head to any good bookstore to get your copy. And thank you!

Book photography by Katya de Grunwald. Published by Ryland, Peters & Small (RPS)


  1. Congratulations for getting through it all but at the other end a stunning book to be ever so proud of.

    1. So sorry I didn't see this! Thanks! So glad you like the book. x


Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x