
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Portfolio Update a.k.a. Sensory Overload

I spent a bit of time this morning updating my styling portfolio, since it's been a while. As I browsed through my images I realised that for someone who doesn't like colour or pattern, my work would be a major assault on the senses. Look at it! It's a neat freak, monochrome lover's worst nightmare. Well I never said I was a minimalist did I? Click here for the full collection of headache inducing images and don't forget to wear your sunnies.

I'm off to Paris again this afternoon for my job with Anthropologie, hence the Sunday blog post. Everyone keeps saying to me "you're so lucky" because I've been there so much recently. Lest you imagine I'm strolling the Seine and relaxing at cafes, let me enlighten you. I'll be working 12 hour days, getting covered in paint and dust, running around looking for the right tools, and saying the phrase "Je suis desole, mais je ne parle pas Francais" about a thousand times a day to customers who think I work in the shop. Follow me on Instagram or Twitter to see what I get up to while I'm there.


  1. Bon Voyage and viva la color!

    1. Thanks! It was a good trip. Back for a week and then off again...


Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x