
Friday, January 31, 2014

My Video Debut On Ikea Family Live

Don't you just hate when people put you on the spot? Like, "Hey you don't mind babysitting for me on Friday night do you?" or "Can I borrow those Manolo Blahnik's, the ones you just got?" or "You don't mind doing a little video do you? For IKEA..."

The lovely IKEA Family Live team did just that when we were in Budapest late last year to style a home. It was hot, I was sweating and wearing not very attractive shorts, my hair was tied back and I had no make-up on. AND I don't necessarily love being on camera (although I'm getting better at it), even a harmless little iPhone one. But when IKEA asks, you really don't say no.

Weird and cool to see my big old face on the IKEA Family Live page though, even if it is really freckly. (I always forget how damn freckled I am until I see photos). Click over to see what I'm going on about.

Disclaimer: I am of course totally joking. I didn't hate it at all. It is a huge honour to be included on the IKEA Live website. I just wish I'd done my hair and makeup.

Second disclaimer: I do not own a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes for anyone to borrow. I prefer to pay my rent and feed my children. But perhaps when they've left home.....


  1. I found you through your book at Barnes & Noble! So glad to keep up with you here, too. Great tips for IKEA :)

    1. Thank you @midwesternbelle! I'm glad you found me and I hope you like the book. Best wishes. x


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