
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Styling Workshop

For the past couple of years I've been thinking about teaching some styling workshops. Every week I get emails from young women asking for advice on how to be a stylist or if I ever need an assistant or intern. It's actually really flattering because it doesn't feel like that long ago when I was doing the same. I once wrote to stylist Selina Lake after I bought her book Bazaar Style. I was in LA, she was in London. It made no sense. But I emailed her anyway (She never wrote back, but I forgive her). Now I have my own book by the same publisher as hers - pretty mind-boggling! 

Anyway, I always write back to the sweet emails, but the truth is I only need so many shoot assistants. But it got me thinking - what if I held some workshops where I could teach whole groups of budding stylists the tricks of the trade? Or perhaps you're not interested in being a professional stylist but you want some tips to use at home. A couple of Christmases ago, I gave a series of decorating talks for the Country Living Fair and I was a nervous wreck. But this past Christmas, hosting the wreath workshop with Yolly at Anthropologie was a different story. It made me realise how much I enjoy sharing and teaching ideas, particularly in a laid back, casual, and fun environment. (Check out the video here).

So...if you or anyone you know is interested in a London-based day long workshop at a fab location house with lots of props to play with, send me an email (click here for email address). I'm thinking about a weekend in late March for the first one, so sign up now. If there's enough interest, I'll send you more details regarding cost/schedule/location.

One of the topics we might talk about: When to keep going and when to leave it alone. The four images here are a great example of one interiors set and its many tweaks. The first shot is perfectly fine, but it's when you keep going that the magic can happen. (It's a bit like that game "Spot the difference" isn't it? I used to LOVE those!)

Photography by Sarah Hogan.
Styling by me for Amy Sia.

1 comment:

  1. I live faraway in Kansas, but I love your work and would be there if I lived in London!


Feel free to write me a note - I love getting them. It's a bit like getting an old-fashioned letter in the post. Thanks! x